Healthy Beginnings
Family Care Center
Having a baby, whether or not it's your first, can be a challenge for any family. Most women understand the importance of a healthy pregnancy - eating right, avoid harmful substances, and get plenty of rest. However, the arrival of your little one brings a new series of questions you may not have anticipated. This can be a difficult and challenging period for many new families. Breastfeeding, postpartum depression, or when to seek medical attention are just a few examples of issues that can arise after the birth of your child.
We are here to help you improve your ability to care for your new baby. You have easy access to our Healthy Beginnings Family Care Center, which supports all new families delivering at San Antonio Regional Hospital.
What Does the Healthy Beginnings Family Care Center Offer?
We provide assessment and intervention, breastfeeding support, infant nutrition, health promotion, and education. This program is designed to complement your regular doctor visits, not to replace them. In addition, we offer access to a variety of other community resources.
How Do I Sign Up?
Please feel free to contact our office at 909.920.6230 to learn more about Healthy Beginnings and how we can help you.
Before you leave the hospital, our nurse will visit you to explain our services and make a follow-up appointment for you and your baby. You will be encouraged to visit our Family Care Center within the first few days after you go home from the hospital.
The Healthy Beginnings Family Care Center is open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, and closed Wednesdays. Your visit to the Family Care Center is a perfect opportunity to ask questions or raise concerns you may have about the care of your new arrival.
A Healthy Future
Our Healthy Beginnings Family Care Center is a natural extension of our Maternity Services, which gives us the opportunity to continue
caring for your family after you leave the hospital. By providing a support system at a critically important time in your baby's life, we can help ensure that you have the knowledge and resources to nurture a healthy child.
Contact Us
Call 909.920.6230 weekdays, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.
No fees are charged for the initial visit for patients who deliver at San Antonio. A nominal fee is charged for subsequent follow-up visits.