

Our staff understands the positive impact that breastfeeding has on infant bonding, as well as its proven health benefits for both mothers and babies. That's why we've designed a program and trained our staff at all levels to assist with infant feeding before your baby is born, during hospitalization, and after you go home.

Breastfeeding Class

We offer a class to prepare you and your coach for this life experience. Topics covered include the physiology of lactation, what to expect when establishing breastfeeding, positioning and latch education and the nutritional needs of both mother and baby. For class details, click here. 

In-hospital Breastfeeding Support

Our nurses, lactation consultants, and educators are available to assist you while you are hospitalized.

Newborn Feeding Center

We offer a newborn feeding center that is open four days each week by appointment only to provide assistance and support to breastfeeding mothers. The clinic is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, and is closed on Wednesdays. The clinic is located in our Family Care Center, 901 San Bernardino Rd. in Upland.

We have found that the majority of the mothers who visit our Family Care Center have continued to meet their breastfeeding goals. We collect data to measure success and to help us respond to the needs of the community. No fees are charged for the initial visit. A nominal fee is charged for subsequent visits.

For additional information, please call 909.920.6230.