Pre-operative Center
The Preoperative Center is designed to streamline the admission process, promote patient education, and improve customer satisfaction.
All patients who are having a procedure/surgery at San Antonio are required to have a pre-op interview, either in person or over the phone, in which you will be asked about your health history, medications, etc. Patients will be seen in a timely manner prior to their surgery/procedure to ensure
their readiness for surgery. This allows your health history and test results to be reviewed by the anesthesia team.
All patients have one stop access to laboratory, EKG, and chest x-ray examinations regardless of your insurance on the day of your appointment.
The Preoperative Center is located directly across the street from the main hospital in the Scheu Family Building, 1100 San Bernardino Road, Second Floor. The Center is open Monday through Friday, from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm.
For more information call 909.920.4924.
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