Spiritual Care
- A listening, nonjudgmental ear
- Emotional and spiritual support
- Provision of meaningful rites, rituals or sacraments
- Providing spiritual resources, including sacred texts, prayer
- Grief support and education
- Consulting on ethical issues or decisions
- Serving as a liaison between patients and their local clergy or the healthcare team
- Shorter stays in the hospital
- Increased sense of overall well-being
- Improved experience for patients during their hospital stay
- Reduction of anxiety
- Improved pain management
- Better health outcomes for patients
Our chaplains are available to patients and their loved ones Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm. To request a visit from a Spiritual Care professional, please notify your nurse or you can contact our chaplains directly by dialing 26326 from any hospital phone or dialing 909-920-6326 from an outside line.
Representatives from your own Faith Community are welcome to visit at any time. Feel free to contact the chaplain for assistance in collaborating with your Faith Community.
The hospital’s meditation rooms provide a quiet place for prayer, contemplation or reflection. Our main meditation room is located on the second floor of the Vineyard Tower to the west of the elevators. We have another meditation room on the second floor near the ICU/CCU waiting room.
The Spiritual Care Department also provides many spiritual resources including, sacred texts, prayer cards, Mala prayer beads, rosaries, prayer mats and electronic Shabbat candles. If you or your loved one desire one of these sacred items, or ones that are not listed here, please contact Spiritual Care Department by dialing 26326 from any hospital phone or dialing 909-920-6326 from an outside line for assistance in securing these items.