Chaplains Corner

Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025 

On Wednesday, March 5, 2025, millions of Christians worldwide will celebrate Ash Wednesday and the Imposition of the Ashes. Ash Wednesday begins the liturgical season known as Lent, a period of 40 days where Christians, symbolically, journey with Christ to the Cross. During Lent, the faithful engage in prayer, fasting and regret for their sins. Lent is a time of deep reflection to ponder ourselves, our lives as well as our sense of meaning or purpose. The ashes remind us of our place in the world. The refrain that is repeated on Ash Wednesday as the ashes are imposed is, “Remember, dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return.”

The Spiritual Care Department at San Antonio Regional Hospital will be traveling throughout the hospital as well as our other facilities, offering the Imposition of the Ashes to those who desire to partake in this ancient rite. We will be stationed in the second floor Meditation Room (between the two towers) for any and all to stop by for the Imposition of the Ashes from 7:00-13:00. We will also be traveling throughout the hospital offering the ashes to patients, family members and staff who wish to participate. We invite you to stop by the Meditation Room or stop one of the Chaplains in your area of the hospital (look for the purple shirts) so that you can participate. If you were unavailable when the Chaplains came by your unit but would like to participate and are unable to get away from the unit, no worries, just call the Spiritual Care Department at x26326 and we will send someone to you!


Rev. Alexander J. Aaron, M.Div, BCC
Staff Chaplain
Phone: 909.920.6326

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