Robotic Surgery for Gynecologic Procedures

The da Vinci Xi Robotic System utilizes robotic arms and hi-def 3-dimensional vision to enhance the surgeon's visualization and control. The robotic arms provide several degrees of movement and sense the surgeon's own hand movements. Those movements are then translated electronically into the micro-movements necessary to perform precise procedures for a wide range of gynecological conditions. Call it robotic intuition.

Robotic surgery can be used for everything from uterine fibroid tumor removal and endometriosis, to pelvic organ prolapse, many gynecological cancers, and more.  It is a top solution for robotic laparoscopic hysterectomy. It may also provide relief for women suffering from chronic pain, heavy bleeding, and other disabling reproductive system problems. 

Patients undergoing gynecologic procedures using the da Vinci Xi surgical system experience the benefits of minimally invasive surgery:

  • Minimal blood loss, fewer complications
  • Less pain and scarring
  • Shorter hospital stay and recovery time
  • Faster return to normal daily activities
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