Cardiac Rehabilitation
Outpatient Cardiac Rehab Program - Phase II
San Antonio Regional Hospital's outpatient cardiac rehabilitation facility offers a positive atmosphere to help heart patients recover with the dedication and assistance of highly trained registered nurses.
Phase II participants wear a wireless heart monitor during their exercise sessions. Each session is approximately 60 – 90 minutes, two to three days a week, up to 36 sessions.
The cardiac rehab staff, which includes specially trained cardiac rehabilitation nurses, will closely monitor your sessions and your progress. Our professionals work with your physician and the program's medical director to tailor a program to fit your needs and goals. The multidisciplinary staff, including a registered dietitian and a clinical social worker, will work to coordinate a personalized program.
The goal is to improve general fitness with an emphasis on cardiac conditioning, education about cardiac disease, treatment, and prevention, as well as health maintenance.
Educational topics addressed include:
- Reducing the potential of a new heart attack through risk factor modification
- Recognizing heart disease signs and symptoms, and when to seek medical treatment
- Recovering from heart disease
- Beginning a personalized exercise program that is effective, safe, and appropriate for your health, age, and physical ability
- Understanding your cardiac medications
- Determining your ideal body weight and daily caloric requirement
- Lowering your cholesterol through good nutrition and physical activity
- Improving your physical activity at work and leisure
- Exercising at home
- Preparing for your return to work