End of Life Care
End of life care can provide patients and their families with a variety of options for medical care and support services. These options may vary based on individual wishes, values, and health. San Antonio Regional Hospital staff provides the support and guidance you need as you navigate these difficult options.
Palliative Care
Palliative care is an approach that focuses on the quality of life and symptom management for an individual living with chronic condition(s). The services are often delivered by a team that includes physicians, nurses, case managers, social
workers and chaplains with the goal of addressing medical, psychosocial, and spiritual care needs.
Hospice Care
Hospice care focuses on compassionate care and support to an individual who a) no longer wants to pursue aggressive medical care, b) is no longer responding to treatment, or c) or has less than six months of living according to his/her
treating physician. An interdisciplinary team of professionals including physicians, nurses, case managers, social workers, and chaplains focus on addressing the psychosocial, and spiritual needs of the patient and his/her family. Hospice care
may be offered in the home or facility setting.
Your nurse may assist you in connecting you with your physician for more information.