Patient Services
Interpretation Service
If you do not speak English, or if you have a hearing or speech impairment, you may have interpretation services provided for you at no extra charge. Tell the person helping you that you need an interpreter.
A telecommunications device (TDD) and an amplifier phone are available for hearing-impaired patients. One of the TDD phones is closed-captioned.
Meditation Room
Patients and visitors are welcome to use any of the three meditation rooms for the purpose of prayer, meditation, visits with clergy, and private conversations between family and medical staff, or to simply have a moment of silence to quiet your thoughts.
Meditation rooms are located off the Critical Care Lobby on the second floor of the Citrus Tower; off the main corridor near the Latimer Wing on the first floor of the Citrus Tower; and on the second floor of the Vineyard tower above the reception
desk. Meditation rooms are available 24 hours a day.
Physician Referral
When it comes to your health care, there's no more important decision than choosing the physician who can best meet your needs. The hospital's medical staff consists of 500+ physicians representing many specialty areas as well as general practice. To get a referral, please click here to go to Find a Physician.