Gilbert Turner, MD
San Antonio Regional Hospital
General Surgeon
from 1969 to 2010.

We extend our deepest condolences to the family of Dr. Gilbert Turner, a beloved general surgeon who dedicated his life to San Antonio Regional Hospital. According to his family, Dr. Turner passed away peacefully in North Carolina last week.
Dr. Gil Turner was a dedicated part of San Antonio Regional Hospital for decades. From 1969 until after his retirement, Dr. Turner was a faithful contributor to the San Antonio Hospital Foundation in support of the Hospital. A special fund was set up to honor Dr. Turner for his commitment to SARH for the purpose of collecting charitable contributions which were utilized for educational programs and projects benefitting the San Antonio Regional Hospital Medical Staff. Examples of the support this provided include, reimbursement for support of annual lectureship in the field of medical education for member of the SARH Medical Staff and reimbursement for honorariums and or education materials approved by the Medical Staff Executive Committee. Dr. Turner supported our golf tournaments, cardiac care fund, building campaigns and SO much more.
Between his personal gifts and those he influenced, nearly $400,000 was raised over the course of his time with SARH.
Dr. Gil Turner was a kind, generous and sweet individual that we at San Antonio were lucky to have serving on the Medical Staff.